Iguanas are fascinating creatures known for their unique behaviors and characteristics. As a reptile enthusiast, it’s important to understand their behavior in order to provide them with the best care. One aspect of their behavior that often surprises iguana owners is their ability to make noise. Yes, you heard it right! Iguanas do make noise, and in this article, we will uncover the surprising truth about the noisy habits of these magnificent creatures.

Do Iguanas Make Noise?

Contrary to popular belief, iguanas are not completely silent creatures. While they may not be as vocal as birds or mammals, they do have a repertoire of sounds that they use to communicate with each other and their surroundings. These sounds can range from hisses and clicks to low growls and even screams. However, it’s important to note that not all iguanas are equally vocal, and some individuals may be more prone to making noise than others.

Types of Noises Made by Iguanas

Iguanas have a variety of vocalizations that serve different purposes. One common sound they make is a hiss, which is often heard when they feel threatened or agitated. The hiss is a warning sign that indicates the iguana is feeling defensive and may bite or lash out if provoked. Another sound that iguanas make is a clicking noise, which is produced by their jaws. This clicking sound is believed to be a form of communication between iguanas and is commonly heard during courtship rituals or territorial disputes.

In addition to hissing and clicking, iguanas can also produce low growls and high-pitched screams. These sounds are usually associated with aggression or extreme distress. Growling is a sign that the iguana is feeling threatened and is a warning to back off. Screaming, on the other hand, is a distress call that iguanas use when they are in pain or facing a life-threatening situation. These vocalizations may not be as common as hissing or clicking, but they do occur in certain situations.

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Reasons Why Iguanas Make Noise

Now that we know iguanas can make noise, let’s explore the reasons behind their vocalizations. One of the main reasons why iguanas make noise is to communicate with other iguanas. Just like humans use language to convey messages, iguanas use their vocalizations to express their intentions, establish dominance, and attract mates. For example, during courtship, male iguanas may emit loud screams to signal their presence and attract females.

Another reason why iguanas make noise is to defend their territory. When two iguanas encounter each other in the wild, they may engage in aggressive displays, which involve vocalizations such as hissing and growling. These sounds serve as a warning to the intruder that they are entering the territory of another iguana, and a confrontation may ensue if they don’t retreat.

How to Address Noisy Iguanas

If you have an iguana that is particularly noisy, there are a few steps you can take to address the issue. First, it’s important to identify the underlying cause of the noise. Is your iguana feeling threatened, agitated, or in distress? Once you understand the reason behind the vocalizations, you can take appropriate action.

If your iguana is hissing or growling due to feeling threatened, it’s best to give them their space and avoid any sudden movements that may further agitate them. Make sure their enclosure provides enough hiding spots and areas where they can retreat to feel safe. If the noise is a result of territorial disputes, consider providing separate enclosures for multiple iguanas to minimize aggression.

In some cases, loud vocalizations may be a sign of a health problem or discomfort. If you suspect that your iguana is in pain or distress, it’s crucial to seek veterinary care immediately. A professional can assess the situation and provide appropriate treatment to alleviate their suffering.

Tips for Keeping Iguanas Quiet

While it may not be possible to completely eliminate all noise from your iguana, there are a few tips that can help keep them relatively quiet. One effective strategy is to create a calm and stress-free environment for your iguana. Provide them with ample hiding spots, a comfortable temperature, and a proper diet to ensure their physical and emotional well-being. A happy and content iguana is less likely to make excessive noise.

Regular handling and socialization can also help reduce noise levels. By spending quality time with your iguana and building a bond of trust, you can help them feel more secure and less prone to vocalizations. Additionally, providing mental stimulation through enrichment activities, such as puzzle feeders or climbing structures, can keep your iguana engaged and less likely to resort to noise-making.

Myth vs. Reality: Debunking Iguana Noise Myths

There are several myths and misconceptions surrounding the noise-making habits of iguanas. One common myth is that only male iguanas make noise. While it’s true that males are generally more vocal, female iguanas can also produce sounds, especially during courtship or when defending their territory.

Another myth is that noise-making is a sign of an aggressive or dangerous iguana. While loud vocalizations may indicate a level of aggression or distress, it’s important to assess the overall behavior and body language of the iguana before making any assumptions. Vocalizations should be considered in the context of the situation and the individual personality of the iguana.


In conclusion, iguanas are not as silent as one might think. They have a range of vocalizations that they use to communicate with each other and their environment. Understanding the reasons behind their noise-making habits can help us provide better care for these fascinating reptiles. By creating a stress-free environment, addressing any underlying issues, and providing proper socialization, we can ensure that our iguanas lead happy and relatively quiet lives.

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