Mediterranean house geckos, also known as Hemidactylus turcicus, are small reptiles that are commonly found in and around homes. These geckos have a varied diet, consisting mainly of insects. They are opportunistic feeders, meaning they will eat whatever prey is available to them. This makes them excellent natural pest controllers, as they feed on common household pests such as cockroaches, spiders, and mosquitoes.

The diet of Mediterranean house geckos primarily consists of small insects. They have a particular fondness for moths, crickets, and beetles. These geckos are nocturnal hunters, using their excellent night vision to locate their prey. They are also equipped with sticky toe pads that allow them to climb walls and ceilings with ease, increasing their chances of finding food.

While insects make up the majority of their diet, Mediterranean house geckos are known to consume other small creatures as well. This can include spiders, ants, and even other geckos. Their diet is not limited to live prey alone; they have been observed consuming small fruits and nectar as well.

It’s important to note that while Mediterranean house geckos are beneficial in controlling pests, they should not be solely relied upon for pest management. A combination of natural predators like geckos and other pest control methods should be implemented for effective pest control.

Exploring the Natural Habitat of Mediterranean House Geckos

Mediterranean house geckos are native to the Mediterranean region, as their name suggests. However, they have successfully adapted to various environments worldwide and can now be found in many parts of the world, including North America, Asia, and Africa.

In their natural habitat, Mediterranean house geckos are typically found in warm and dry climates. They are commonly seen in rocky areas, such as cliffs, caves, and crevices. These geckos are also known to take shelter in man-made structures, including houses, where they can find warmth and protection.

Mediterranean house geckos are excellent climbers and have the ability to scale vertical surfaces with ease. They are often found on walls, ceilings, and even windows. Their sticky toe pads allow them to cling to surfaces, giving them the advantage of being able to explore their environment and hunt for food.

Due to their ability to adapt to different environments, Mediterranean house geckos have become successful colonizers in many regions. While they are not native to some of these areas, they have managed to establish thriving populations in urban and suburban areas.

Are Mediterranean House Geckos Poisonous

One of the most common questions people have about Mediterranean house geckos is whether or not they are poisonous. The short answer is no. Mediterranean house geckos are not venomous or poisonous to humans or pets. They do not pose a threat in terms of toxic bites or venomous secretions.

These geckos are harmless to humans and can even be beneficial as they feed on insects like cockroaches, spiders, and mosquitoes. In fact, many homeowners welcome the presence of Mediterranean house geckos in their properties as a means of natural pest control.

While they may appear intimidating with their small size and scaly appearance, Mediterranean house geckos are not dangerous. They are not equipped with venom glands or any other means of delivering toxins. Their primary defense mechanism is their ability to blend into their surroundings and escape from potential threats.

It’s important to remember that these geckos are wild animals and should not be handled or disturbed. They are best left alone to go about their business of keeping pests at bay. Attempting to handle them can cause unnecessary stress and harm to both the gecko and the handler.

Common Misconceptions about Mediterranean House Geckos

Despite their harmless nature, Mediterranean house geckos often face a number of misconceptions and myths. These misconceptions can lead to unnecessary fear and misunderstanding about these beneficial reptiles. Let’s debunk some of the common misconceptions about Mediterranean house geckos:

  1. They are venomous: As mentioned earlier, Mediterranean house geckos are not venomous. They do not possess any venom glands or toxins that can harm humans or pets.
  2. They carry diseases: While it’s true that geckos can carry certain bacteria or parasites, the risk of transmission to humans is extremely low. Proper hygiene and cleanliness can help minimize any potential health risks.
  3. They are invasive species: While Mediterranean house geckos have successfully colonized new habitats in some regions, they are not classified as invasive species. Invasive species typically cause harm to native ecosystems, which is not the case with these geckos.
  4. They are a sign of poor hygiene: The presence of geckos in and around homes has nothing to do with cleanliness. They are attracted to areas where they can find food and shelter, regardless of the cleanliness of the surroundings.

By dispelling these misconceptions, we can foster a better understanding and appreciation for Mediterranean house geckos as beneficial creatures.

Read About: How To Feed A Gecko That Won’t Eat

Potential Risks and Concerns with Mediterranean House Geckos

While Mediterranean house geckos are harmless to humans and can be beneficial in controlling pests, there are a few potential risks and concerns associated with their presence.

  1. Unwanted entry into homes: Geckos can sometimes find their way into homes through small openings or cracks. While they are generally harmless, their presence indoors may cause discomfort for some individuals.
  2. Noise: Male geckos are known for their distinctive mating call, which can be loud and bothersome, especially during the breeding season. However, this noise is usually temporary and does not pose any significant harm.
  3. Droppings: Like any other animal, geckos produce droppings. While their droppings are not harmful, they may need to be cleaned up regularly to maintain cleanliness.
  4. Infestation: In some cases, gecko populations can grow rapidly, leading to what some may perceive as an infestation. While geckos are not harmful, their increased numbers may cause concerns for those who are not comfortable with their presence.

It’s important to note that these concerns are generally minor and can be easily managed. Proper pest control measures, such as sealing entry points and maintaining a clean environment, can help minimize any potential issues.

Keeping Mediterranean House Geckos as Pets

Given their small size and low maintenance requirements, some individuals may consider keeping Mediterranean house geckos as pets. While it’s possible to keep them in captivity, it’s important to understand the responsibilities and considerations involved.

Before considering keeping a Mediterranean house gecko as a pet, it’s essential to research and understand their specific care needs. This includes providing a suitable enclosure with proper heating, lighting, and humidity levels. A well-balanced diet consisting of live insects and occasional fruit or nectar supplements should also be provided.

It’s worth noting that keeping any reptile as a pet requires commitment and responsibility. Proper care, regular veterinary check-ups, and providing a stimulating environment are crucial for the well-being of the gecko. Additionally, it’s important to ensure that the gecko has been obtained legally and ethically, avoiding the capture or purchase of wild-caught individuals.

For those who are not prepared for the responsibilities of keeping a gecko as a pet, it’s best to appreciate these creatures in their natural habitat and support their conservation efforts.

Tips for Safely Interacting with Mediterranean House Geckos

If you encounter a Mediterranean house gecko in or around your home, it’s best to observe them from a distance and avoid any unnecessary interaction. Here are some tips for safely coexisting with these reptiles:

  1. Keep your distance: Allow the gecko to go about its business without disturbance. Attempting to handle or catch them can be stressful for both the gecko and the handler.
  2. Avoid using harmful pesticides: As natural pest controllers, geckos rely on insects for food. Using harmful pesticides can disrupt their food source and indirectly harm the geckos themselves.
  3. Seal entry points: To minimize the chances of geckos entering your home, ensure that all small openings and cracks are sealed. This can help prevent unwanted encounters indoors.
  4. Maintain cleanliness: Keeping a clean environment can help reduce the presence of pests, which in turn can attract geckos. Regular cleaning can also minimize any concerns related to gecko droppings.

By following these tips, you can peacefully coexist with Mediterranean house geckos and appreciate their role in natural pest control.

How to Deal with an Infestation of Mediterranean House Geckos

While geckos are generally harmless and beneficial, some individuals may consider their increased numbers as an infestation. If you find yourself dealing with a gecko population that you’re uncomfortable with, here are some steps you can take:

  1. Identify entry points: Determine how the geckos are entering your home and seal any openings or cracks that may be providing access.
  2. Remove food sources: Minimize the availability of insects and other small prey that geckos feed on. This can be done through proper pest control measures, such as eliminating standing water, sealing food containers, and using insect repellents.
  3. Create an unfavorable environment: Geckos are attracted to warm and humid environments. Adjusting temperature and humidity levels indoors can help deter them from staying in your home.
  4. Seek professional help: If the gecko population is causing significant distress or if you’re unsure how to handle the situation, consider reaching out to pest control professionals who can assess the situation and provide appropriate solutions.

It’s important to remember that geckos are beneficial creatures and should be treated with respect and consideration. Taking steps to prevent infestations and manage their population can help strike a balance between coexistence and personal comfort.


In conclusion, Mediterranean house geckos are not poisonous or venomous to humans or pets. They are harmless creatures that provide a natural form of pest control by feeding on common household pests such as cockroaches, spiders, and mosquitoes.

While misconceptions and concerns may arise, it’s important to understand the true nature of these geckos. They are not invasive species, carry minimal health risks, and play an important role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems.

Whether you encounter a Mediterranean house gecko in the wild or in your own home, it’s best to observe them from a distance and appreciate their presence. By coexisting peacefully with these reptiles, we can foster a better understanding and appreciation for the natural world around us. So, the next time you come across a Mediterranean house gecko, remember that it’s harmless and a helpful ally in the fight against unwanted insects.

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